Friday, 22 June 2012

Has anyone seen the summer?

You can never predict the Great British weather can you!

Sorry everyone but sadly the above event has been postponed.

See you there on the 22nd July.

Weather permitting!


Tuesday, 19 June 2012

The weeks are rolling by...

And the vintage and retro fairs are coming along week after week.

Petals, Pins and Purls will be appearing at:

This is a great event and will be supporting a fantastic charity 
'Peaceful Place - Dementia Charity'

We had a really great atmosphere at the Helen Rollason Vintage Fair last weekend.

Here are a selection of pictures for you.

The stall looked great
 in the sunshine!

Decorated in bunting galore.

There was donkey rides.

Vintage bikes, of a different kind.

And pretty girls sporting newly purchased flowers 
from Petals, Pins and Purls.

(published with kind permission from said pretty girl)

We hope to see you all again in Rochford this weekend.


Saturday, 9 June 2012

Vintage Fayre

Petals, Pins and Purls are looking forward to attending the 
following worthwhile charity event.

We are really hoping for better weather!

Plenty of things to see and buy inside if the weather is horrid.

Shopping, Music, Dancing what more could you need.

Come and say hello.

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Diamond Jubilee Weekend..

Well what did you do to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee?

We had fun!

It started with a cake..

Then we added some sweets.

And that was just for starters, this was all in a days work.

Then came a hand knitted beefeater.

This was for Emma's fund raising event.

And then last but not least.

Help for Hero's event in Harlow.

The Petal's Pins and Purls stall was there to help raise funds for this great cause.

And fun was had by all.

Even the Horses!

Thanks to Stief A Billy and all the crew for organizing the event.

It rained, it shined but this three day event was well worth it.

And you would be surprised where you find a Petals, Pins and Purls flower!

I will let you know how much was raised over the three day music event when we know.

Roll on next year.